Why is it so hard for you people to accept that online poker is rigged?
(too old to reply)
2006-01-17 01:47:41 UTC
Is online poker rigged? Some say yes, and many say no. THere is
evidence to suggest that it is, and evidence to suggest that it isnt.
But before we go that far, think about a couple of things.....

We have the technology to put man on the moon, to cure cancer, and to
do countless other previously unimaginable things. So why is the
statement that online sites manipulate their deals any big suprise to
anyone? I think that most people would agree with the statement that
it CAN be done. After all, the software only does what the site has
programmed it to do. And the softwre can certainly be programmned to
put certain cards out on the board.

If it CAN be done, does that mean that it IS being done? People can
draw their own conclusions. Some arguments that seem to suggest that
it is NOT being done are:

1. It makes no sense for the site to risk everything, only to award a
pot to a shill, or other player that it favors, because that is a
pittance of what the site makes in rake.
2. The site could not keep this a secret for long. That some employee
of the site would eventually spill the beans.
3. That bad beats happen all over poker, and you should just get over

And some arguments seem to suggest that it IS being done are:

1. It is a serous money making scheme for the sites, with no chance of
being caught.
2. It entices many players to continue to put more and more money into
the sites "poker bank", always giving them a substantial amoun of on
hand capital from which to draw interest from......
3. If the site did it right, almost NOONE would ever have to know.

Poker has definately changed over the past few years, and who knows
where it is going....who knows if the online sites will be around, in
their current form, ten or fifteen years from now.. So all the more
argument for them to make as much money as quickly as they can, right
now, whether legal or not.

Despite what people who analyze their performance might say, the fact
is, when you are playing no limit poker, you can play for hundreds of
hours, and have nothing statistically alarming arise, but then in the
course of four hands or so, get cleaned out, wiping away all you hard
earned work and profit. Just that quickly. It only takes a small few
hands, and when viewed over the long haul, will show no statistical
anomoly whatsoever. Likewise for tournaments. Play one for five hours,
then, just out of the money, have three hands thrown to your opponent
and you are out of the tourney with no money.

There is simply and ABSOLUTELY no recourse for soomeone who has been
swindled. This is the single most thing that probably makes it most
attractive for the sites to steal from you. There is simply NOTHING
that you can do, aside from taking your business elsewhere. No matter
how blatantly obvious the situation was, where someone caught two
perfect cards, three hands in a row, or what. The site will simply say
"Thats poker".

If you go to 2plus2 or RGP, or whatever other discussion group, you
will immediately be met with hostility, and ridiculed as though you
have no clue about what you are talking about.

So, the debate continues. But for those who have seen the absolutely
astronomically improbable things that continue to happen day after day
on PS and PP and the likes, it should come as no suprise that where
there is smoke there is fire, even if the outspoken few continue to
deny it to their dying days.

Semper Fi,
2006-01-17 01:54:20 UTC
Post by USMC Jim
Is online poker rigged? Some say yes, and many say no. THere is
evidence to suggest that it is, and evidence to suggest that it isnt.
But before we go that far, think about a couple of things.....
We have the technology to put man on the moon, to cure cancer, and to
do countless other previously unimaginable things. So why is the
statement that online sites manipulate their deals any big suprise to
anyone? I think that most people would agree with the statement that
it CAN be done. After all, the software only does what the site has
programmed it to do. And the softwre can certainly be programmned to
put certain cards out on the board.
If it CAN be done, does that mean that it IS being done? People can
draw their own conclusions. Some arguments that seem to suggest that
1. It makes no sense for the site to risk everything, only to award a
pot to a shill, or other player that it favors, because that is a
pittance of what the site makes in rake.
2. The site could not keep this a secret for long. That some employee
of the site would eventually spill the beans.
3. That bad beats happen all over poker, and you should just get over
1. It is a serous money making scheme for the sites, with no chance of
being caught.
2. It entices many players to continue to put more and more money into
the sites "poker bank", always giving them a substantial amoun of on
hand capital from which to draw interest from......
3. If the site did it right, almost NOONE would ever have to know.
Poker has definately changed over the past few years, and who knows
where it is going....who knows if the online sites will be around, in
their current form, ten or fifteen years from now.. So all the more
argument for them to make as much money as quickly as they can, right
now, whether legal or not.
Despite what people who analyze their performance might say, the fact
is, when you are playing no limit poker, you can play for hundreds of
hours, and have nothing statistically alarming arise, but then in the
course of four hands or so, get cleaned out, wiping away all you hard
earned work and profit. Just that quickly. It only takes a small few
hands, and when viewed over the long haul, will show no statistical
anomoly whatsoever. Likewise for tournaments. Play one for five hours,
then, just out of the money, have three hands thrown to your opponent
and you are out of the tourney with no money.
There is simply and ABSOLUTELY no recourse for soomeone who has been
swindled. This is the single most thing that probably makes it most
attractive for the sites to steal from you. There is simply NOTHING
that you can do, aside from taking your business elsewhere. No matter
how blatantly obvious the situation was, where someone caught two
perfect cards, three hands in a row, or what. The site will simply say
"Thats poker".
If you go to 2plus2 or RGP, or whatever other discussion group, you
will immediately be met with hostility, and ridiculed as though you
have no clue about what you are talking about.
So, the debate continues. But for those who have seen the absolutely
astronomically improbable things that continue to happen day after day
on PS and PP and the likes, it should come as no suprise that where
there is smoke there is fire, even if the outspoken few continue to
deny it to their dying days.
Semper Fi,
well written, well thought out, and articulate post.

just remember,

In order for it to work, the shiny side has to be on the OUTSIDE.



"I like the work of Allen Funt..."

* kill-files, watch-lists, favorites, and more.. www.recgroups.com
2006-01-17 02:40:31 UTC
Kinnipak,    Is that to reflect the moonlight  or keep the microwave beams from
entering  our thought process center?
Post by Kinnipak
Post by USMC Jim
Is online poker rigged? Some say yes, and many say no. THere is
evidence to suggest that it is, and evidence to suggest that it isnt.
But before we go that far, think about a couple of things.....
We have the technology to put man on the moon, to cure cancer, and to
do countless other previously unimaginable things. So why is the
statement that online sites manipulate their deals any big suprise to
anyone? I think that most people would agree with the statement that
it CAN be done. After all, the software only does what the site has
programmed it to do. And the softwre can certainly be programmned to
put certain cards out on the board.
If it CAN be done, does that mean that it IS being done? People can
draw their own conclusions. Some arguments that seem to suggest that
1. It makes no sense for the site to risk everything, only to award a
pot to a shill, or other player that it favors, because that is a
pittance of what the site makes in rake.
2. The site could not keep this a secret for long. That some employee
of the site would eventually spill the beans.
3. That bad beats happen all over poker, and you should just get over
1. It is a serous money making scheme for the sites, with no chance of
being caught.
2. It entices many players to continue to put more and more money into
the sites "poker bank", always giving them a substantial amoun of on
hand capital from which to draw interest from......
3. If the site did it right, almost NOONE would ever have to know.
Poker has definately changed over the past few years, and who knows
where it is going....who knows if the online sites will be around, in
their current form, ten or fifteen years from now.. So all the more
argument for them to make as much money as quickly as they can, right
now, whether legal or not.
Despite what people who analyze their performance might say, the fact
is, when you are playing no limit poker, you can play for hundreds of
hours, and have nothing statistically alarming arise, but then in the
course of four hands or so, get cleaned out, wiping away all you hard
earned work and profit. Just that quickly. It only takes a small few
hands, and when viewed over the long haul, will show no statistical
anomoly whatsoever. Likewise for tournaments. Play one for five hours,
then, just out of the money, have three hands thrown to your opponent
and you are out of the tourney with no money.
There is simply and ABSOLUTELY no recourse for soomeone who has been
swindled. This is the single most thing that probably makes it most
attractive for the sites to steal from you. There is simply NOTHING
that you can do, aside from taking your business elsewhere. No matter
how blatantly obvious the situation was, where someone caught two
perfect cards, three hands in a row, or what. The site will simply say
"Thats poker".
If you go to 2plus2 or RGP, or whatever other discussion group, you
will immediately be met with hostility, and ridiculed as though you
have no clue about what you are talking about.
So, the debate continues. But for those who have seen the absolutely
astronomically improbable things that continue to happen day after day
on PS and PP and the likes, it should come as no suprise that where
there is smoke there is fire, even if the outspoken few continue to
deny it to their dying days.
Semper Fi,
well written, well thought out, and articulate post.
just remember,
In order for it to work, the shiny side has to be on the OUTSIDE.
"I like the work of Allen Funt..."
New Feature: Mark All As Read! - http://www.recpoker.com
2006-01-17 02:56:51 UTC
Post by PokerBob
Kinnipak,    Is that to reflect the moonlight  or keep the microwave beams from
entering  our thought process center?
Bobby Bobby Bobby....seriously...

The PartyPoker Moonbase stations were closed down years ago when they lost
contact that satellite that was tracking Elvis as he continues his quest
to stop all drug traffiking with the tin foil badge he got from Nixon.....


Keep it real bro...this is not monopoly money....

"I like the work of Allen Funt..."

* kill-files, watch-lists, favorites, and more.. www.recgroups.com
2006-01-17 01:57:57 UTC
Dude, you are so wrong ... but I think you can make a career if you go
to work at Michael Moores company

--- Sent via NewPokerDeals http://www.newpokerdeals.com ---
2006-01-17 01:56:12 UTC
I am a winning player on stars. Lee Jones feel free to post my deposit/withdrawl
record on stars.

Here is what happens on stars. A new player deposits and immediatly wins. Wins
with the craziest stupidist play, doesn't matter they win. After a few weeks
they finally hit the end and lose.

Now they are enticed to redeposit because they know they can win, they just got

If you are at a table with veteran stars players it is probably pretty fair. If
you are sitting there and someone says this is there first day playing, oyu
might as well find a new table.


Watch Lists, Block Lists, Favorites - http://www.recpoker.com
Super Steamer
2006-01-17 01:59:20 UTC
Post by USMC Jim
Is online poker rigged? Some say yes, and many say no. THere is
evidence to suggest that it is, and evidence to suggest that it isnt.
But before we go that far, think about a couple of things.....
What "evidence" suggests that it is?  I've been here for years and nobody has
ever shown a single iota of evidence.

The Largest Online Poker Community - http://www.recpoker.com
John B
2006-01-17 02:18:16 UTC
The evidence is all anecdotal. For example, I recently saw FIVE royal
flushes over a five day period. To even have that many occur in five days
would probably be pretty high, but five at tables I happened to be at?
Strains my sense of trust considerably. Do I believe it is rigged? Not
really, but then,,,,,,,
Post by USMC Jim
Is online poker rigged? Some say yes, and many say no. THere is
evidence to suggest that it is, and evidence to suggest that it isnt.
But before we go that far, think about a couple of things.....
What "evidence" suggests that it is? I've been here for years and nobody
ever shown a single iota of evidence.
The Largest Online Poker Community - http://www.recpoker.com
Super Steamer
2006-01-17 02:19:37 UTC
Post by John B
The evidence is all anecdotal. For example, I recently saw FIVE royal
flushes over a five day period. To even have that many occur in five days
would probably be pretty high, but five at tables I happened to be at?
Strains my sense of trust considerably. Do I believe it is rigged? Not
really, but then,,,,,,,
I've never seen one online in hold em, but I've seen a couple of them live.  I
guess online is straight, and live is rigged.

New Feature: Mark All As Read! - http://www.recpoker.com
2006-01-17 02:07:33 UTC
On Jan 17 2006 12:47 PM, USMC Jim wrote:

<snip> some bullshit <snip>

Still dodging your child support cracker?

looking for a better newsgroup-reader? - www.recgroups.com
2006-01-17 02:08:32 UTC
i have no evidence but it's rigged.
it can be done so it must be so.


so what do the sites gain if they rig it ? nothing at all ? yes.
what do they have to lose if someone finds out ? their business of
hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

think about it for a second, what do they have to gain ?
few cents of rake from that one dude in a thousand that won't deposit on
the next paycheck after going bust ?
and you risk millions a day for that couple cents in rake ? it's just hard
to believe.
Post by USMC Jim
Is online poker rigged? Some say yes, and many say no. THere is
evidence to suggest that it is, and evidence to suggest that it isnt.
But before we go that far, think about a couple of things.....
We have the technology to put man on the moon, to cure cancer, and to
do countless other previously unimaginable things. So why is the
statement that online sites manipulate their deals any big suprise to
anyone? I think that most people would agree with the statement that
it CAN be done. After all, the software only does what the site has
programmed it to do. And the softwre can certainly be programmned to
put certain cards out on the board.
If it CAN be done, does that mean that it IS being done? People can
draw their own conclusions. Some arguments that seem to suggest that
1. It makes no sense for the site to risk everything, only to award a
pot to a shill, or other player that it favors, because that is a
pittance of what the site makes in rake.
2. The site could not keep this a secret for long. That some employee
of the site would eventually spill the beans.
3. That bad beats happen all over poker, and you should just get over
1. It is a serous money making scheme for the sites, with no chance of
being caught.
2. It entices many players to continue to put more and more money into
the sites "poker bank", always giving them a substantial amoun of on
hand capital from which to draw interest from......
3. If the site did it right, almost NOONE would ever have to know.
Poker has definately changed over the past few years, and who knows
where it is going....who knows if the online sites will be around, in
their current form, ten or fifteen years from now.. So all the more
argument for them to make as much money as quickly as they can, right
now, whether legal or not.
Despite what people who analyze their performance might say, the fact
is, when you are playing no limit poker, you can play for hundreds of
hours, and have nothing statistically alarming arise, but then in the
course of four hands or so, get cleaned out, wiping away all you hard
earned work and profit. Just that quickly. It only takes a small few
hands, and when viewed over the long haul, will show no statistical
anomoly whatsoever. Likewise for tournaments. Play one for five hours,
then, just out of the money, have three hands thrown to your opponent
and you are out of the tourney with no money.
There is simply and ABSOLUTELY no recourse for soomeone who has been
swindled. This is the single most thing that probably makes it most
attractive for the sites to steal from you. There is simply NOTHING
that you can do, aside from taking your business elsewhere. No matter
how blatantly obvious the situation was, where someone caught two
perfect cards, three hands in a row, or what. The site will simply say
"Thats poker".
If you go to 2plus2 or RGP, or whatever other discussion group, you
will immediately be met with hostility, and ridiculed as though you
have no clue about what you are talking about.
So, the debate continues. But for those who have seen the absolutely
astronomically improbable things that continue to happen day after day
on PS and PP and the likes, it should come as no suprise that where
there is smoke there is fire, even if the outspoken few continue to
deny it to their dying days.
Semper Fi,
-Alexander Knopf

: the next generation of web-newsreaders : http://www.recgroups.com
2006-01-17 02:22:01 UTC
Post by USMC Jim
1. It makes no sense for the site to risk everything, only to award a
pot to a shill, or other player that it favors, because that is a
pittance of what the site makes in rake.
2. The site could not keep this a secret for long. That some employee
of the site would eventually spill the beans.
3. That bad beats happen all over poker, and you should just get over
4. Many people are tracking the deal and would either be able to exploit a
non-random deal or expose it to the world.
5. It's actually easier to progam and run a site that is not rigged than
it would be to program and run one undetected.
Post by USMC Jim
1. It is a serous money making scheme for the sites, with no chance of
being caught.
Uh, there is plenty of chance of being caught (See your own #2 above). In
fact, the odds of a sight that is rigged not getting caught goes down each
day. I would say that it would probably be easier to detect an online
rigging easier than a B&M because so much statistical evidence is
Post by USMC Jim
So, the debate continues. But for those who have seen the absolutely
astronomically improbable things that continue to happen day after day
on PS and PP and the likes, it should come as no suprise that where
there is smoke there is fire, even if the outspoken few continue to
deny it to their dying days.
So don't play online if you think it's rigged. If you want to argue about
it then post some statistical evidence.

I agree with you that it is certainly possible. I don't think it is
because ultimately it isn't in the best interests of the large sites to
risk it. I think it would be more likely with the smaller sites. I'm also
consistently profitable, so if it is rigged I have somehow managed to make
that work in my favor.


=============== My Affiliate Links ===============
Party Poker - $25 Extra: http://www.partypoker.com/index.htm?wm=2190583

RecGroups : the community-oriented newsreader : www.recgroups.com
2006-01-17 02:32:32 UTC
Forget the sites. What about cheating/scamming individuals?

(granted, i write this as i play on Stars as i type)
Befunge Sudoku
2006-01-17 09:29:02 UTC
In article <1137462461.732966.322310
@g49g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>, ***@hotmail.com says...
Post by USMC Jim
Is online poker rigged? Some say yes, and many say no. THere is
evidence to suggest that it is, and evidence to suggest that it isnt.
But before we go that far, think about a couple of things.....
We have the technology to put man on the moon, to cure cancer,
uh... since when?
Even a biologist can do physics,
if you teach them to think about
electrons as tiny animals.
Joe Long
2006-01-17 22:01:12 UTC
Post by USMC Jim
Is online poker rigged? Some say yes, and many say no. THere is
evidence to suggest that it is, and evidence to suggest that it isnt.
But before we go that far, think about a couple of things.....
As has been said so many times: if you believe it is rigged, don't
play. The rest of us will continue to cash the checks.
Joe Long (aka ChipRider)
Somewhere on the Range
2006-01-18 12:36:00 UTC
I think what alot of people are missing is the fact that if your
playing 10/20$ limits and cashing nicely every month this does not mean
that online poker is not rigged. Just that the play at your limit is
not set to provide action hands. It does not require to be.

Drop down to micro limits and play for a few hours on a prima site (say
ladbrokes \ bet365 two I have tried) and see if you still feel you are
getting the same flops and hole cards?

I believe this is where alot of the confussion regarding peoples
opinion of online poker rigging lies. It simply depends on the limit
and site you are playing.

Better still phone Microgamming marketing (makers of prima poker
software) with view to licensing their software for a new poker startup
and see how they describe the "features" of their software.

It is easy to see how a few "action" hands and hole cards could
increase profit margins to a huge extent and just as importantly retain
new players.

These companies operate in order to make money they are not poker
purists as per many on this list. The bottom line is black, red and

Also remember poker is largely an "ENTERTAINMENT" business and where
the bulk of the companies profit is coming from. Thus action = profit.

Some shout about the risk of being caught out but really this is
laughable, the sample size of hands to prove anything being so large is
practically impossible for anything but a poker site its self to
aquire.(14 million minimum I read somewhere, I do not say this is
Something the sites know full well.

My 2 cents and not a popular opinon however I sincerly believe the
limit you play at has massive impact on the hole cards and flops you
will see. Also if you can not see the possiblity and advantages of
"action" play you possibly believe the war in Iraq is legal too ;-)

NB - Yes I play online daily and turn a profit.
NB - I use prima as an example as I have most experience here
River Dreamer
2006-01-18 14:13:26 UTC
pp sucks
Stuart Newton
2006-01-18 14:15:12 UTC
Hi Suls,

It's the fact that they have shareholders and need to make a profit that
they are not doing this. Successful businesses stay successful through
honest dealing and customer satisfaction. Online poker is a multi million
dollar industry and if you decide to fix a few cards every million hands
then your increase in profits will be marginal at best in comparison to the
risk involved. It only takes one rogue staff member to leak their story
about the rigged site and the company will lose all credibility and profits.
They know that this is a competitive market with many high quality poker
sites so the customers will be able to change sites in a few clicks. I'm
sure the owners of some of the poker sites are enjoying a great lifestyle
thanks to their successful businesses and will not want to put that at risk
in any way by simply 'generating some action' on a few hands.
People make money at the lower limits aswell but it is a little tougher to
beat the rake. Maybe that's why you're having problems, or maybe you have
to adjust more to the looser games.
Post by sULs
I think what alot of people are missing is the fact that if your
playing 10/20$ limits and cashing nicely every month this does not mean
that online poker is not rigged. Just that the play at your limit is
not set to provide action hands. It does not require to be.
Drop down to micro limits and play for a few hours on a prima site (say
ladbrokes \ bet365 two I have tried) and see if you still feel you are
getting the same flops and hole cards?
I believe this is where alot of the confussion regarding peoples
opinion of online poker rigging lies. It simply depends on the limit
and site you are playing.
Better still phone Microgamming marketing (makers of prima poker
software) with view to licensing their software for a new poker startup
and see how they describe the "features" of their software.
It is easy to see how a few "action" hands and hole cards could
increase profit margins to a huge extent and just as importantly retain
new players.
These companies operate in order to make money they are not poker
purists as per many on this list. The bottom line is black, red and
Also remember poker is largely an "ENTERTAINMENT" business and where
the bulk of the companies profit is coming from. Thus action = profit.
Some shout about the risk of being caught out but really this is
laughable, the sample size of hands to prove anything being so large is
practically impossible for anything but a poker site its self to
aquire.(14 million minimum I read somewhere, I do not say this is
Something the sites know full well.
My 2 cents and not a popular opinon however I sincerly believe the
limit you play at has massive impact on the hole cards and flops you
will see. Also if you can not see the possiblity and advantages of
"action" play you possibly believe the war in Iraq is legal too ;-)
NB - Yes I play online daily and turn a profit.
NB - I use prima as an example as I have most experience here
River Dreamer
2006-01-18 14:15:52 UTC
We're all in!
2006-01-18 17:41:39 UTC
Hi Stuart

I wonder where in my post i suggest i have problems with my play?

sULs> NB - Yes I play online daily and turn a profit.

Stuart> People make money at the lower limits aswell but it is a little
tougher to
beat the rake. Maybe that's why you're having problems, or maybe you
to adjust more to the looser games.

I am not bitter nor ranting, merely pointing out differences I have
felt at different limits \ different sites.

Point taken regarding shareholders but a non discloser clause in
employees contracts would easily take care of that and should anyone
actually gather enough data to prove so called action flops (nearly
impossible), is there anything actually illegal about this ? I dont
think so.

Sites (Pricehousewaterman) merely guarantee 52 card deck and even
chance of each card being dealt. This says nothing for the action of
the play. Eg AA being dealt against KK.

Frankly stating these are companies registered and responsable to
shareholders thus rigging wouldnt happen is akin to saying the
goverment is the goverment and doesnt lie.
A nice idea but probably not true.

It is also slightly amusing that despite making the specific point that
I play daily and turn a profit that you assume I am a losing player and
need to adjust my game due to my views. A very standardised response to
any one mentioning any kind of rigging or action hands.

Not unexpected hence pointing this out initially. And yes I do concur
there are plenty of sore lossers out there pointing to rigged software
as the source of their loses.

I could ask if you are affiliated or happen to run a poker room

Jesting aside I still believe that a certain amount of "action" is
generated online and that players can be put onto "win \ lose cycles"
by the software on certain sites \ limits.

As many have said before if you dont like it dont play. It is the
nature of online poker. This is a fair comment

Neither side can prove much either way and so the debate goes on, I
don't wish to be drawn too much as I've had my say and am unlikely to
change my views as they are based on personal experience.

However to say online poker is an honest trade is stretching it a
little far for me, I'm sure plenty can remember the startups a few
years ago that disappeared over night once enough players money had
faithfully been deposited.

Anyways back to the poker. ;-)
Stuart Newton
2006-01-18 19:56:12 UTC
lol, no I'm not associated with any poker sites. I didn't mean to say you
had a bad game. It just sounded like you found it harder to win as much/bb
in the low limit games as in the high limit. I'm not surprised that some
rogue sites have gone bust because players will take their money elsewhere,
it has created a survival of the fittest through competition in the market.
The companies that operated unfairly have gone bust and the ones that
'cannot currently be proven' to be operating unfairly have increased in
popularity. I don't know whether or not a law exists against rigging the
cards but if it does then it won't make any difference. Sites will still do
it, law or not. Just as people still do credit card scams online even
though it's against the law. The best way to tackle this issue is to spend
your money at the sites which you believe to be the fairest and the best
value and consumer demand (and speedy communication through the internet)
will weed out any rogue sites.
With a business that depends on the trust of its customers I just find it
unlikely that they would jeopardise this by earning an extra few bucks every
million hands. If they need more money then it would be a better business
decision to increase the rake or lower the value of competition prizes.
If there is large enough demand for truly 'fair' sites, then soon someone
will set up a company which checks the records of poker sites. The poker
sites would pay this company to get their records checked and gain a mark of
approval which they can put on their site. e.g. PokerChecker Verified Site!!
Players who want to play on a verified site might have to pay a little more
as the costs of verification are passed down to them (miniscule amount) and
those who don't care can still play on their unverified sites if they want.
I'd imagine that the ones who do get verified will become one of the more
successful sites.
Are the poker sites rigged? I don't know, but if I see evidence to think
that they are, then I won't play at them. If you really want to play on a
fair site then lobby other people to put pressure on the site to have their
records checked by an independent source. I'm sure there's plenty of people
who would like the guarantee of a fair game.
