Post by Bill VanekI am not concerned about Tim's politics. I am concerned about your
understanding of what I meant when I said "advantage" and "every time".
“Every time” has one meaning, unless you decided to change that, too. I
accept only the real meaning of that. “Advantage" has definitions related
to context. If you want to discuss gambling outcome probabilities, it means
only +EV. If you want to use a different definition, that’s fine, but you
won’t be taken seriously, and you are probably aware that you are not being
taken seriously.
"Every time" does have one meaning. For me, I am only playing ONE TIME.
After I win, you can look back and agree that was every time I played.
Post by Bill VanekI tried to make it clear that it is the size of the bet that "changed"
Tim's understanding of what I meant.
You keep talking about trying to make things clear, but you have totally
failed. In your replies to Jerry, what is clear that even you can’t keep up
with your ever changing bets, so I am sticking with the first bet.
The first bet is the only bet that matters. I said I had an advantage;
Tim said I did not. I then offered to play for a single win of single
$100 chip ... that is when Tim realized I did have an "advantage"
(extremely good odds) of winning that $100 chip. I might win the first
time we played. If he won, if he could quit, he would be the winner.
But he cannot quit, only I can quit. That was and is the bet.
Do you think I have really good odds of getting ahead one bet?
Post by Bill VanekYou seem to not "get it" yet
either. If we are playing for a dollar ... winning one net chip one
time is not really important.
Important to what? If you are trying to have a serious probability
discussion, the dollar amount is X. The value should mean nothing.
It only means something when the loss is only $1 ... when it is $100,
the not definite but really serious advantage become "worth it".
Post by Bill Vanek(I am not talking about any other time ...
there is only ONE TIME. My ONE TIME is "every single time I play him"
and I only play once ... the next guy in line can play him next.)
When I raise the bet to $100 ... even you admit there is a "very high"
probability that I will get "ahead" (you did not mention it is only one
net bet) ... that one net bet is too much for Tim ... you too.
WTF are you talking about? If you are talking about that $100 add on to the
basic bet, where you get a fucking 100:1 payoff on a bet where you are
actually a 100:1 *favorite*, that does not change the probability of
anything, it just makes the EV so absurdly bad that the game is unplayable.
If you are talking about constant $100 bets for both players, and you don’t
seem to know based on your replies to Jerry, that changes nothing except the
required dollar value of the bankroll.
That was later, not important. Forget that ... no one would take that
bet. But will you play for just $100 loss possibility? All you can
lose is $100. Will you play or do you think that he odds are that I
might net $100 and quit playing.
Post by Bill VanekMy original bet was that I would quit every time when I won one net bet
but he could not quit while he was ahead. He is the "house" of the
roulette wheel with no zeros.
And I have pointed out that the house can indeed walk away any time they
want. This whole thing exists only in your imagination. If you want to call
it all hypothetical, that’s fine, too, because the game remains 0 EV. That
means in conventional terms that you have zero advantage.
You can point out whatever you want ... in my original bet, I walk away
when I win a net one bet. That is where I have an advantage. Will you
play for a possible $100 loss? You could win a lot if I run out of $100's.
Post by Bill VanekI win $1 and walk away. It is a short
Why do you say it is a short time? That seems to be the root of your logic
failure. I told you I run sims where the player never gets ahead in thousands
of trials. And it does not matter how many trials I choose, there will always
be some where the player does not get ahead.
That is true ... I agree ... will you take that chance? I can only win
$100 ... you could win a lot more than that if I run out of money. What
are your odds of winning all my money?
Post by Bill VanekYou would step up to that wheel if you only wanted to net one bet
one time.
And that thinking is the reason the small martingale will live on forever
with people like you. In spite of your denials, there is no effective
difference in your brilliant method.
No Martingale ... just one bet at a time. I win the first bet, I am
gone with your $100. I lose and you have $200, I must try to win again
to get "even" ... you may get ahead two bets ... but then you might get
back to only that one ahead ... then you might win again and be ahead
two and on and on ... but never does it go back "the other" way ... and
I leave with your $100 or I run out of my entire life savings. You
could really do well. Want to try it? Run the statistics on how often
coin flips just go back and forth ... back and forth ... how often does
one player (and/or the "other") player get one net bet ahead? How often?
I believe you are really thinking about this and I value your opinion.
But there is no Martingale going on here.
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