2004-12-06 20:26:42 UTC
I've been playing socially for years, but fully admit to finally being
dragged into real action along with the rest of the TV crowd about a
year ago.
I've played a fair amount of 3/6 at the local Indian casino, and
typically do fine for someone that is still pretty green (read 6-8
hours of play and within 50 bucks of even either way). I've played 6
live NLHE tournaments at said casino and finished in the money (3rd)
I've struggled online a lot playing 3/6 at party, I always play sound
tight poker, (and know to use that table image to steal a decent pot
here and there) for a few hours and get up a couple bucks, but instead
of walking away when I'm up I "tighten up" and just smooth call/fold my
way back down, then go on tilt and leave even (if I'm lucky) or down 50
bucks or so.
Between online and live since I started playing, I'm basically even (to
be honest I've kept track and I'm up ~150 bucks, but you know... that's
about even)
I've recently started playing the 10+1 and 20+2 sit and go's on
paradise (I uninstalled party after doubling my BR and then blowing it
all in less than three hours). I'm finding this one table tourney
structure to be much more to my liking. I've been in the money enough
that over about 25 games or so in the last week I'm just above even.
Sure, I'm not making money, but I'm learning a TON about how to play
this game.
Here are my general observations of the sit and go's so far:
Basic by the book tightish solid play in the early rounds is advisable.
The crazy all in on every hand guy will bust one or two players before
he busts himself most of the time, NEVER call crazy all in guy unless
you have the proverbial monster (better yet the nuts) in the early
If crazy all in guy makes it past the early rounds, he might turn out
to be a decent player who was just "gambling" to get a big stack and
now suddenly knows how to use his chips. (This one I'm not sure about
as a general rule, but I have seen it a few times so far, could be a
result of the low entry fee games I'm playing).
Chip leaders are often very aggressive towards short stacks and no one
ever seems to "check it down" when a short stack is in, so you can
sometimes get yourself a nice pot if playing behind the chip leader who
has called a desperation all in during the middle rounds with less than
stellar cards.
CL's in the later rounds are either really solid, bullying the lesser
stacks or nervous and just want to finish in the money allowing you to
slowly siphon off chips if you have even semi-decent cards and make
smart bets if you're behind.
If you're middle stacked with 4 or 5 players remaining, chip management
is huge. Getting out of the way of the other middle stacks who try to
double through the chip leaders often will lead you to the money. As
many times as not, the CL will be busted out by a few losses to the
short/middle stacks followed by tilt O rama. Patience is the key to the
money here.
Short handed is by the book reasonably aggressive play and if you are
CL, blind stealing is pretty easy.
Heads up, often being patient will get you the win, I've found often
that the other player is happy to be second and will take silly
chances, presumably figuring that they are happy to be in the money and
will coin flip anytime.
Well those are just some general comments.
Personally, the things I've noticed I need to work on is staying tight
early. Sometimes I try to over bet way to early and end up getting
In my 25 or so entries, I seem to either bust out 9th or 10th or finish
in the money. I've got a few 4th or 5th but very few.
I would love comments on a few things:
Do you more experienced players agree with my general observations of
the game?
Any other tips that are particular to sit and go single table tourneys
that is not obvious?
I've read a few archive posts about paradise not being the cats'
pajamas, but I've liked it more than party in terms of the players.
Seems I get more traditional responses to traditional moves. However,
I've only played online at Paradise for a week, and a few months on
Party. Are their other places I would be better of playing?
Anything else you want to say to a guy who is having fun playing and
hopes to build a BR big enough to get into some higher entry fees sit
and gos.
dragged into real action along with the rest of the TV crowd about a
year ago.
I've played a fair amount of 3/6 at the local Indian casino, and
typically do fine for someone that is still pretty green (read 6-8
hours of play and within 50 bucks of even either way). I've played 6
live NLHE tournaments at said casino and finished in the money (3rd)
I've struggled online a lot playing 3/6 at party, I always play sound
tight poker, (and know to use that table image to steal a decent pot
here and there) for a few hours and get up a couple bucks, but instead
of walking away when I'm up I "tighten up" and just smooth call/fold my
way back down, then go on tilt and leave even (if I'm lucky) or down 50
bucks or so.
Between online and live since I started playing, I'm basically even (to
be honest I've kept track and I'm up ~150 bucks, but you know... that's
about even)
I've recently started playing the 10+1 and 20+2 sit and go's on
paradise (I uninstalled party after doubling my BR and then blowing it
all in less than three hours). I'm finding this one table tourney
structure to be much more to my liking. I've been in the money enough
that over about 25 games or so in the last week I'm just above even.
Sure, I'm not making money, but I'm learning a TON about how to play
this game.
Here are my general observations of the sit and go's so far:
Basic by the book tightish solid play in the early rounds is advisable.
The crazy all in on every hand guy will bust one or two players before
he busts himself most of the time, NEVER call crazy all in guy unless
you have the proverbial monster (better yet the nuts) in the early
If crazy all in guy makes it past the early rounds, he might turn out
to be a decent player who was just "gambling" to get a big stack and
now suddenly knows how to use his chips. (This one I'm not sure about
as a general rule, but I have seen it a few times so far, could be a
result of the low entry fee games I'm playing).
Chip leaders are often very aggressive towards short stacks and no one
ever seems to "check it down" when a short stack is in, so you can
sometimes get yourself a nice pot if playing behind the chip leader who
has called a desperation all in during the middle rounds with less than
stellar cards.
CL's in the later rounds are either really solid, bullying the lesser
stacks or nervous and just want to finish in the money allowing you to
slowly siphon off chips if you have even semi-decent cards and make
smart bets if you're behind.
If you're middle stacked with 4 or 5 players remaining, chip management
is huge. Getting out of the way of the other middle stacks who try to
double through the chip leaders often will lead you to the money. As
many times as not, the CL will be busted out by a few losses to the
short/middle stacks followed by tilt O rama. Patience is the key to the
money here.
Short handed is by the book reasonably aggressive play and if you are
CL, blind stealing is pretty easy.
Heads up, often being patient will get you the win, I've found often
that the other player is happy to be second and will take silly
chances, presumably figuring that they are happy to be in the money and
will coin flip anytime.
Well those are just some general comments.
Personally, the things I've noticed I need to work on is staying tight
early. Sometimes I try to over bet way to early and end up getting
In my 25 or so entries, I seem to either bust out 9th or 10th or finish
in the money. I've got a few 4th or 5th but very few.
I would love comments on a few things:
Do you more experienced players agree with my general observations of
the game?
Any other tips that are particular to sit and go single table tourneys
that is not obvious?
I've read a few archive posts about paradise not being the cats'
pajamas, but I've liked it more than party in terms of the players.
Seems I get more traditional responses to traditional moves. However,
I've only played online at Paradise for a week, and a few months on
Party. Are their other places I would be better of playing?
Anything else you want to say to a guy who is having fun playing and
hopes to build a BR big enough to get into some higher entry fees sit
and gos.